Sing praise in God’s holy place,
In the breadth of God’s might.
Sing praise in God’s shining space,
In its depth and its height.
Let ev’rything that breathes and sings and shouts praise the Lord.
Convene where the faithful meet,
Where we cast off our pride;
Commune in the sacred street
Where God’s dearest reside. [REFRAIN]
We know that our Lord is great,
And commissions us all
To gather and celebrate,
And we honor the call. [REFRAIN]
Rejoice, for God sees our needs
When our souls are distressed;
Exult God’s splendid deeds
Will attend our request. [REFRAIN]
Arise, make your timbrels ring
And your trumpets pierce through.
Employ every pipe and string;
Raise your voices anew. [REFRAIN]
Our melodies multiply,
Our petitions are wed;
Our purposes unify
For God’s mission ahead.. [REFRAIN]