Works Cited

Anonymous.  “The Battle Behind the Battle Hymn of the Republic.”  From the New England Historical Society website:  Last accessed 20 April 2023.

___..  Libby Prison War Museum Catalogue and Program.  Libby Prison War Museum Association, date undisclosed.  This is the program after Libby Prison was relocated to Chicago, IL.

___. Walls that Talk: Names, Initials and Sentiments Written and Graven on the Walls, Doors and Windows of the Libby Prison at Richmond, by the Prisoners of 1861-65.  R.E. Lee Camp, No.I, C.V., 1884.

Beaudry, Louis N., ed.  The Libby Chronicle.  C.F. Williams Printing Co., 1863.

Byrne, Frank L.  “Libby Prison: a Study in Emotions.”  The Journal of Southern History,  vol.24, no.4,  November, 1958,  pp. 430-444.

Cavada, F.F.  Libby Life: Experiences of a Prisoner of War in Richmond, VA., 1863-64.  King & Baird, 1864.

Di Cesnola, Louis Palma.  “Ten Months in Libby Prison.” No publisher or date information given, probably the late 19th century.

Glazier, Willard W.  The Capture, the Prison Pen, and the Escape.  H.E. Goodwin, 1869.

Hamilton, A.G.  “Story of the Famous Tunnel Escape from Libby Prison.”  No publisher or date information given, probably the late 19th century.

Hizer, Trenton.  “Correspondence of a Union Spy: The Elizabeth Van Lew Papers.”  From The Uncommon Wealth website.  Last accessed 20 April 2023.

"Libby Prison hymn" (1864). Harris Broadsides. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.  Last accessed 20 April 2023.

McCreery, William B.  “My Experience as a Prisoner of War, and Escape from Libby.”  Paper presented at the Commandery of the State of Michigan, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Detroit, Michigan, February 6, 1889.  Winn & Hammond, Printers and Binders, 1893.

Ross, William E.  “The Singing Chaplain: Bishop. Charles Cardwell McCabe and the Popularization of the ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic.”  Methodist History,  vol.28,  no.1,  October 1989.  Last accessed 20 April 2023.

Weerts, Christine.  “A Short History of ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic.’”  The Federalist.  July 4, 2021.  Last accessed 20 April 2023.